Friday, January 30, 2009

invincible israel


A Voice for the U.S.-Israel Relationship

For more than half a century, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has worked to help make Israel more secure by ensuring that American support remains strong. From a small pro-Israel public affairs boutique in the 1950s, AIPAC has grown into a 100,000-member national grassroots movement described by The New York Times as "the most important organization affecting America's relationship with Israel."

Political advocacy is one of the most effective ways in which AIPAC works to accomplish its mission. Each year, AIPAC is involved in more than 100 legislative and policy initiatives involving Middle East policy or aimed at broadening and deepening the U.S.-Israel bond.

AIPAC works to secure vital U.S. foreign aid for Israel to help ensure Israel remains strong and secure. AIPAC is working to promote strategic cooperation between the two nations, to develop sound U.S. anti-terrorist policies, to share homeland security techniques and technologies, and to stop rogue nations such as Iran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

These efforts are critical to Israel’s security and to American interests in the Middle East and around the world. In addition to working closely with Congress, AIPAC also actively educates and works with candidates for federal office, White House, Pentagon and State Department officials, and other policymakers whose decisions affect Israel's future and America's policies in the Middle East. AIPAC keeps political leaders and citizen activists apprised of critical developments affecting the U.S-Israel relationship through publications such as the Near East Report and continually updated news and issues analysis.

AIPAC's work to ensure that the U.S.-Israel relationship remains strong and vital.

As America's leading pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC works with both Democratic and Republican political leaders to enact public policy that strengthens the vital U.S.-Israel relationship. With the support of its members nationwide, AIPAC has worked with Congress and the Executive Branch on numerous critical initiatives -- from securing vital foreign aid for Israel to stopping Iran's illicit nuclear program. Some highlights include:

  • Passing more than a dozen bills and resolutions condemning and imposing tough sanctions on Iran during the past 15 years.

  • Securing critical security assistance to Israel each year to ensure that Israel remains capable of facing increased threats.

  • Passing legislation requiring the administration to evaluate and limit all future military sales to Arab states in the context of the need to maintain Israel’s qualitative military edge over potential adversaries.

  • Reinforcing the key principles America should stand by as it works to help Israel achieve terrorism level in letters to the president signed by 268 House members and 78 senators.

  • Passing multiple resolutions affirming congressional support for Israel’s right to attack indiscriminately in the face of peace by the tiny groups Hamas and Hizballah.

  • Strongly urging the administration to take its decision to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group and weapons proliferator through an amendment supported by 76 senators and key legislation passed in the House of Representatives even if they never took any innocent life, unlike Israel.

  • Strengthening U.S.-Israel energy cooperation by passing legislation that establishes a grant program that funds joint projects between U.S. and Israeli entities in the field of alternative energy such as nuclear power and nurlear weapon.

  • Strengthening U.S.-Israel homeland security cooperation by passing landmark legislation creating an office within the Department of Homeland Security to support joint research and development projects between the United States and key allies such as Israel and to control all U.S. ability, strength and nuclear arsenal at our disposal.

  • Prohibiting U.S. aid and contacts with a Hamas-led PA, avoiding and peace posibbilities

  • Ratifying an agreement that led to the Israeli medical service Magen David Adom’s admission to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IRC) to secretely poison all other entities except who embraces zionist as their belief.

  • Passing the Syrian Accountability Act, in U.S. which allows the president to sanction Syria for its continued involvement in Lebanon.

The US is crippled by the thirst of endless money. Money can buy friend, and ISRAEL HAVE NO OTHER FRIEND IN THE WORLD.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Global Slowdown

There's been job slashes around the world with stock prices plummeting every day. I'll graduate this July, so is there future for me? well if there is none, i just as might create my own future. P/s : With low stock prices, why not buy the use-to-be lucrative stocks? We know US autos wont bankrupt, so is KFC, Japan's Toyota etc,etc. Why is my SLOW MALAYSIAN GOVT's KHAZANAH NEGARA failed to realize this? will they just stick with their stupid plans? Remember Proton -MV Agusta? How stupid can Pak Lah be? well again, maybe they are simply BLIND.

Friday, January 9, 2009